Employment law & Immigration
Our independent Experts in employment law possess the necessary skills clients need when dealing with any kind of employment-related or immigration issue.

Comprehensive advice on all aspects of employment & immigration law
Our independent Experts in employment law possess the necessary skills clients need when dealing with any kind of employment-related or immigration issue. INOLAWYER's lawyers can advise both private individuals as well as companies on issues related to dismissals, disciplinary matters, restructuring, staff changes, up to the drafting of employment contracts or their amendment. Other areas of practice include tax, data protection and immigration issues relating to employment law. Our Experts also offer proactive solutions for any form of employment dispute.
Advice to private individuals and corporations of any size across various industries
Our independent Experts serve private individuals and companies of any size across various industries. The diversity of our independent Experts combined with the latest technology will ensure we understand your challenge and can counsel you towards the best, most innovative solutions. Our way of working enables us to quickly onboard diversified and independent Experts to solve complex cases.