Private Clients
INOLAWYER's independent private client Experts advise private clients and their families on all matters relating to matrimonial property and succession law, including domestic and international estate planning, estate administration and executorships.

Comprehensive advice on all matters related to matrimonial property and succession law
INOLAWYER's independent private client Experts advise private clients and their families on all matters relating to matrimonial property and succession law, including domestic and international estate planning, estate administration and executorships. The independent Experts also assist with regard to taking up residence and domicile in Switzerland. In connection with contested wills, inheritance and matrimonial property agreements, and estate administration, INOLAWYER’s independent Experts represent clients before Swiss courts or arbitral tribunals. Furthermore, INOLAWYERs Experts can advise clients on setting up legal structures, including trusts or other structures in foreign jurisdictions.
Advice for private individuals and corporations of any size across various industries
INOLAWYER's independent Experts serve private individuals and companies of any size across various industries. The diversity of our Experts combined with the latest technology will ensure we understand your challenge and can counsel you towards the best, most innovative solutions. Our way of working enables us to quickly onboard diversified and independent Experts to solve complex cases.