Insolvency & Restructuring
When financial distress threatens a business and when bankruptcy, restructuring, or insolvency appears, swiftly securing a client’s financial interests is our top priority. INOLAWYER's Experts advise all parties involved with regard to Swiss insolvency, bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings.

Comprehensive legal advice on the full spectrum of issues arising from distressed companies
When financial distress threatens a business and when bankruptcy, restructuring, or insolvency appears, swiftly securing a client’s financial interests is our top priority. Whatever the challenges you face or the nature of the situation or transaction with which you're involved, INOLAWYER's independent Experts can quickly give you the hard-headed and practical solutions you need to make sensible decisions.
We understand the perspectives of all involved parties
INOLAWYER's Experts advise all parties involved with regard to Swiss insolvency, bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings. Our independent Experts also support foreign creditors in parallel and ancillary proceedings under Swiss insolvency law. Furthermore, INOLAWYER’s Experts enforce claims against assets located in Switzerland.
Advice to private individuals and corporations of any size across various industries
INOLAWYER's independent Experts serve private individuals and companies of any size across various industries. The diversity of our Experts combined with the latest technology will ensure we swiftly understand your challenges and can counsel you towards the best, most innovative solutions. Our way of working enables us to quickly onboard diversified and independent Experts to solve complex cases.